Why have my regular periods become heavier?

Why have my regular periods become heavier?

Have you experienced this too? But first, let’s discuss what regular period is.

Regular period means the entire cycle (the number of days from the first day of one period to the first day of the next period) is 21-35 days (21-45 days during adolescence) and varies by no more than +/- 5 days.

We’re sharing a follower’s story that prompted us to investigate and try to find answers:

"I am 26 years old. My bleeding used to be significantly lighter, but about six months ago, it changed drastically, and I started bleeding very heavily. For four days of my period, I have to use both a pad and a tampon at the same time, and still, it sometimes leaks. I've had more than one such incident. I even started using menstrual underwear along with all these products. I'm worried because such a change signals something. I'm trying to understand it, I visited a gynecologist, but they said it’s normal. I’m not inclined to believe that this is normal... So, I’m not giving up and trying to learn more myself. Thank you."

We asked Dr. Laura Kronlachner, an obstetrician-gynecologist, endobiogenics specialist, and certified women's neurophysiology coach, why this might happen and what to do if regular menstruation changes.


The causes can be divided into two parts:

  1. Structural – changes in the uterus that can be detected by gynecological ultrasound.
  2. Functional – when there are no changes in the uterus.

The most common structural causes:

  • Uterine polyps
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Adenomyosis (uterine endometriosis)
  • Endometrial hyperplasia
    Possible functional causes:
    • Excess estrogen
    • Progesterone deficiency
    • Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid)
    • Iron deficiency (caused by heavy bleeding, creating a "vicious" cycle)
    • Use of anticoagulants
    • Copper IUD

      Visit to the doctor and additional tests

      It is always necessary to visit a doctor first to rule out structural causes. Functional causes can be identified or suspected by evaluating complaints and performing additional tests:

      • Complete blood count and ferritin – to assess if there is iron deficiency and/or anemia
      • TSH – to check for possible thyroid dysfunction
      • Sex hormone tests at the appropriate cycle time
      • Endobiogenic examination and consultation – for a comprehensive assessment of the entire hormonal system (including sex hormone balance) and nervous system. Only by identifying or at least suspecting the cause can effective treatment be selected.

      Excess Estrogen

      Excess estrogen can accumulate if they are not efficiently processed and properly eliminated from the body. To ensure these processes run smoothly, it is essential to maintain liver and gut health. Here are a few examples of how to do this:

      • Use liver supplements with milk thistle, dandelion, and artichoke
      • Use high-quality probiotics and feed them with prebiotics (fermented vegetables, fiber, etc.) as good gut bacteria also contribute to proper estrogen processing
      • Consume enough fiber to ensure processed estrogen is effectively eliminated from the gut (25-35 g/day, wheat and oat bran are very suitable)
      • Avoid alcohol


      Another important step is to avoid xenoestrogens. These are substances in the environment that, when entering the body, bind to estrogen receptors and can cause negative effects. Where are they found?

      • Cosmetics: parabens, benzophenone
      • Plastics: bisphenol A, phthalates
      • Food: herbicides, insecticides, dyes
      • Hygiene products: low-quality tampons, pads, liners
      • Non-natural cleaning products
      • Unfortunately, the list is not exhaustive...

      Reducing Inflammatory Background

      Reducing the body’s inflammatory background can also suppress heavy bleeding. Using ibuprofen during bleeding can reduce the amount of blood lost by up to 50%. However, inflammation can also be reduced naturally to prevent such heavy bleeding in the first place. Here are a few ways:

      • Avoid cow's milk products
      • Exercise regularly
      • Avoid blood sugar spikes
      • Use turmeric supplements (with piperine)
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